Why Choose Crossland Title Inc. for Your Title Search?
Crossland Title Tennessee

Why Choose Crossland Title Inc. for Your Title Search?

Why Choose Crossland Title Inc. for Your Title Search?

Navigating the complexities of real estate transactions requires a trusted partner, and Crossland Title Inc. is here to ensure your peace of mind throughout the process. Our expertise in conducting thorough title searches and providing comprehensive title insurance makes us a standout choice for both new homebuyers and seasoned homeowners alike.

What is Title Insurance in Real Estate?

When purchasing a home, you acquire the title to the property, signifying full legal ownership. However, hidden mistakes in prior deeds, wills, or mortgages can sometimes pose legal challenges, potentially giving others a valid claim against your property. Title insurance acts as a safeguard against such unforeseen issues, protecting you from losses arising from defects in the title. It not only provides detailed information about the status of the title before you buy or refinance but also ensures protection against any future title claims. With title insurance, you can save yourself from financial burdens, time-consuming legal battles, and even the risk of losing your home.

How Does Title Insurance Work?

At Crossland Title, we are committed to identifying and rectifying title problems in approximately 25% of our transactions, often without the borrower or lender even being aware of the issues. Title companies like ours pay millions of dollars annually in claims, underscoring the significant value title insurance brings to both lenders and homeowners. Before closing, Crossland Title meticulously searches public records through various offices, such as the Register of Deeds, Clerk of Courts, and municipal and county officials. These records can include judgments, liens, taxes, street easements, and more, all of which could impact property ownership. By carefully examining these records, we determine who owns the property and identify any existing interests, providing early warnings of title flaws that need addressing before the property is sold or refinanced.

How Does Title Insurance Differ from Other Types of Insurance?

Unlike other insurance types that focus on risk assumption, title insurance prioritizes risk prevention, offering the best opportunity to avoid claims and losses in real estate transactions. Our title professionals perform crucial corrective work, ensuring that lenders or homeowners rarely suffer losses under their title insurance policy. The majority of the title insurance premium goes towards the exhaustive research and due diligence work conducted by Crossland Title upfront, with a smaller portion allocated to claim payments. Title insurance is a one-time charge at closing, unlike other insurances that require recurring payments.

Types of Title Insurance

The Lender’s Policy

There are two main types of title insurance: lender’s title insurance and owner’s title insurance. Most lenders mandate a loan policy upon issuing a loan, protecting their investment against title issues. However, it’s important to note that lender’s title insurance only protects the lender’s interest and not the homeowner’s equity in the property.

The Owner’s Policy

Owner’s title insurance, on the other hand, is typically issued for the purchase amount of the real estate and provides comprehensive protection for the homeowner. This one-time fee paid at closing lasts as long as you or your heirs have an interest in the property, even after the property has been sold. An owner’s policy offers financial loss protection due to claims against the title, covers legal fees, and provides settlement for successful claims up to the policy’s face amount.


By choosing Crossland Title Inc., you ensure that your real estate transaction is backed by thorough research and dedicated support. Our detailed title search process and robust title insurance policies provide the essential protection you need, making us your trusted partner in securing your property’s legal standing.